
Get your Passport for free at the Tourist Offices and stamp all the Route resources you have discovered. You'll be able to get your passport stamped at these places:

Municipality of Abrantes

Welcome Center

São Vicente Church

Santa Maria do Castelo Church

Tagus Park – Tourism, science and leisure

Municipality of Ferreira do Zêzere

Ferreira do Zêzere Tourism Office

Dornes Tourism Office

Dornes Church

Mother Church of Nossa Senhora da Graça das Areias

Main Church of Santo Aleixo do Beco

Municipality of Ourém

Palace of the Counts of Ourém

Medieval Village Gallery

Municipality of Sertã

Sertã Tourism Office

Pedrogão Pequeno Museum Center

Municipality of Tomar

Tomar Tourism Office

Convent of Christ

Santa Maria do Olival Church

Mother Church of São João Batista

Templar Interpretation Centre of Tomar

House of Cubes

Municipality of Torres Novas

Torres Novas Tourism Office

Casa de Misericórdia Church

Lapas Caves

Municipality of Vila Nova da Barquinha

Almourol Templar Interpretation Center

Vila Nova da Barquinha Tourism Office

If you prefer the digital Passport, access the app Aplicação Móvel da Rota in the App Store and Play Store, collect stamps for each point of interest you visit and obtain a certificate of your discovery.

Explore the Templar Route, a 3-day itinerary, to discover the monuments that bear witness to the presence of the Templars in our territory. If you prefer, create your own route using the interactive map. Or discover the four Thematic Itineraries at your disposal: Military, Religious, Architectural and Symbolic!

Enjoy and take lots of pictures of your trip. The app offers you several frames to use on your photos in a fun and thematic way. And don't forget to share those moments with your friends on social media... they'll love traveling with you to other times in history!