Symbolic Itinerary

In this Itinerary, mysticism and Templar symbology are the “secret” to be explored. In Sertã, visit the Castle and discover the legend that gave rise to the name of the town. Afterwards, head towards Dornes, where the magical Pentagonal Tower stands out, built on a pentagram. Continue your discovery and head towards the “heart” of Templar mysticism: Tomar!

In the Santa Maria do Olival Church, Pantheon of the Masters of the Temple and full of mysticism, be careful with the 8 steps: they force you to enter humbly, with your head bowed so you won’t bump your head. Look for the tombstone of Sir Gualdim Pais, Templar master and founder of Tomar. And the legend of the tunnels that connect it to the Convent of Christ, is it true or myth?

Then explore the city center and go up to the Convent. Be dazzled by its portal and the Window of the Chapter, but above all by the Charola! Its connection to the Holy Sepulcher makes it full of symbology. Then go down the Mata dos Sete Montes, used at the time by the Knights for meditation and, it is said, initiatory rites. Finish big at Almourol Castle, another jewel of Templar symbolism and mysticism and one of the ex-libris of the region. It is said that it was never the target of a battle and may have been built to protect the Holy Grail. Was it true?